If you are thinking to life in Spain and you do not have an employment or you do not wish to carry out an activity by employee or self-employer but you have economic resources, perhaps that kind of authorization could be relevant for you.
The non-lucrative residence is a permission to reside in Spain without working as long as you have sufficient financial means to live in Spain.
The non-lucrative permission will be requested in the corresponding Consulate in the country of residence.
This permission is granted for one year, renewable for two years and then again for two years. After the first five years of residence, the renewable will be for five years. The renewals will be provided if the requirements for it are met.
- Not be European Union citizen, the European Economic Area or Switzerland, or a relative of citizens. About these countries, we will apply the UNION CITIZEN REGIME. (link)
- Not be irregularly in Spain.
- Not have a criminal record in Spain and in previous countries of residence for crimes by Spanish law.
- Not be prohibited to enter into Spain.
- To have the necessary financial means to supply yourself and your family during a year according to the following amounts;
– For the applicant, 400% of the IPREM (about 2,200 € per month).
– For the support of each of the relatives, 100% of the IPREM (537, 84 € per month and per family member).
*For the renewal the amount will be calculated for two years.
- To have public or private health insurance arranged with an insurance company authorized to operate in Spain.
- Not suffer any of the diseases that may have serious public health repercussions in accordance with the International Health Regulations of 2005.
Although all the requirements are essential, demonstrating the financial means is especially important, therefore we will pause a little more to develop it.
ECONOMIC MEANS may be accredited by any evidence; income, property titles, checks, bank certificates or credit cards, tax returns, pensions, rental properties, etc.
One question that our clients often ask us is; if having a property in Spain they can obtain the NON-LUCRATIVE RESIDENCE. The answer is no, to have a property in Spain cpould be a complement to prove financial means. Unless the price of the property is 500.000 € or more, so we would be talking about a possible REAL ESTATE INVESTOR RESIDENCE AUTHORIZATION, commonly called GOLDEN VISA. (LINK)
Emphasize that not only do you must have the economic funds, some Consulates also require proof of their origin, as well as that you will continue to receive the funds.
– Your spouse or the person with whom you have an affective relationship analogous to the conjugal, it means, registered partner or stable relationship which can be proven.
– Your children or your partner ‘children, who are under the age of eighteen years old or they are more than eighteen years old but they have a disability.
*Important notes.
Do not forget that you cannot work in Spain with the NON-LUCRATIVE AUTHORIZATION. However, after a year living in Spain, you could request the modification to another type of residence and it would allow you to carry out a lucrative activity or work, residence by employee or self-employment.
Also, if you need to work before the year living in Spain because you no longer have the income you have at the beginning, in this case and only in this case, you can also request the modification.
Lastly, keep in mind that if you want to renew your residence, you must stay in Spain for more than 6 months per year, otherwise your permission would be expired.
It is essential to obtain NON-LUCRATIVE RESIDENCE, that the file is worked in depth with the particularity of each situation and with all the pertinent documentation. We work that kind of file and we prepare everything needed from Spain.